Presentation Title: “Hospital admissions towards the end of life: Exploring the moral landscape of clinical decision making”
The way clinicians, carers, families and society treat a person towards the end of their life is morally complex: we seek a “good death” although we may not know what that looks like, and we navigate a complex web of unknown possibilities to take the “right” action for that person. We seek to avoid suffering in all its forms. This presentation will explore one aspect of the journey towards the end of life: whether or not someone who may be in their final months should go to hospital for medical treatments.
The outcome of hospitalisation towards the end of life ranges from complete cure of a reversible pathology to significant psychological, physical and functional harm. Hospital is a common place of death, which may or may not be in keeping with a person’s own perception of a “good death”. Whether or not someone should be admitted requires careful consideration of the person’s own values and priorities, the risks of all options, and the best clinical prediction of net benefit.
This presentation will explore three questions around hospitalisation decisions:
Schofield, G., M. Dittborn, R. Huxtable, E. Brangan, and L. E. Selman. 2021. 'Real-world ethics in palliative care: A systematic review of the ethical challenges reported by specialist palliative care practitioners in their clinical practice', Palliat Med, 35: 315-34.